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As part of AllBright’s Entrepreneurial Mindset summit, we asked three inspiring female entrepreneurs to share their advice and insight to motivate us into the new year and beyond. This is what they had to say...

More than ever, many of us have started 2021 with a refreshed approach towards creating a life that works for our specific ideals. From realigning our goals for the coming year to reflecting on the past 12 months, we recognise the importance of a positive mindset in manifesting our wants and needs for the future.  

As part of our , we invited three incredible women to motivate the AllBright community and share the tools they’ll need to achieve their dream accomplishments. Here are some of the best snippets of advice, inspiration and take-aways from the week’s events… 

Headshot Kara Goldin

Kara Goldin is the Founder and CEO of Hint, a sugar-free beverage brand and author of Wall Street Journal bestseller, Undaunted. She joined us to share her learnings on why thinking like a female founder could be the key to success, no matter your goals. On learning from the past…

“I’ve always had an issue with people saying ‘forget about the past’ because when you look back, you see so many signs that you missed along the way. I didn’t have experience, I failed in certain things. But I was curious and I had tenacity. I thought differently and would just roll up my sleeves and do it.” 

On pursuing your passion…

“I’d think to myself, if they can do it, I can do it! I think that belief is what it takes. To have an idea and the ability to wake up every single morning and care about what you do, and execute your vision by building a team. Anybody can do it if they set their mind to it.” 

On continued learning…

“I got to a point in my career where my role was teaching people, and I'd lost the ability to learn myself. At some point you must be selfish. I find that the happiest people today are the ones putting themselves into uncomfortable positions where they’re ” 

On understanding your market…

“No matter what your business is, when times are really tough, having a relationship with your consumer is what will save you. Reaching out to the right audience and people that really understand the problem you’re solving is key.” 

Headshot Puja Mc

Puja McClymont is a certified Life and Business Coach & NLP Practitioner for high-achievers, and host of podcast Self Care 101. She joined us to share insight into the toolkit needed to become the visionary leader of your own life. On managing self-doubt… Puja McClymont is a certified Life and Business Coach & NLP Practitioner for high-achievers, and host of podcast Self Care 101. She joined us to share insight into the toolkit needed to become the visionary leader of your own life. On managing self-doubt…

“You’re going to feel those moments of self-doubt. Stay focused, remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing and and shout about all the great things you have achieved in your life so far. In turn, that will help your self-doubt become more manageable. We need self-doubt, as it helps us make more informed decisions.”  “You’re going to feel those moments of self-doubt. Stay focused, remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing and and shout about all the great things you have achieved in your life so far. In turn, that will help your self-doubt become more manageable. We need self-doubt, as it helps us make more informed decisions.”  

On turning failures into learnings…

“There’s a difference between failure and quitting. Acceptance of failure is very important, so adopt the mindset that reframes failure as a learning experience. Use it to craft something that’s going to be better next time, and always hold onto the idea that there’s something bigger coming.”  

On focusing on your own journey…

“Remember that social media is just a highlight reel. Everyone’s journey is going to be different, with different paths and opportunities. Comparison can happen quite easily, but remember to bring yourself back to centre and ask yourself ‘what’s my vision? What does it look like in five years time?’” 

On maintaining focus…

“Keep learning. Keep doing things to hone your craft and make yourself better at what you do. Talk about your vision and make it real. Be sure to address your fears, whatever they are. Write them down and establish what is fact and what is fiction. In order to be successful, you have to have that focus and understand what you want to achieve.” 

Headshot Gina Unterhalter

Gina Unterhalter is a leadership, career and business coach and expert mindset mentor for women. She is also a business neuro-linguistic programming practitioner. She took to the virtual stage for a lesson in how to make excellent goal-orientated decisions, this year and beyond. On thinking about the future...

“Remember that this current situation is not your destination, but the choices you make now will create your reality. Allow yourself to feel as you need to feel in order to move through these times. Let yourself experience pain, grief, frustration and anger and allow it to come through you in whatever way you need.” 

On unleashing your potential…

“What is happening right now does not mean that your hopes, dreams and ambitions are gone. Remember the power of your choices, intentions and decisions. We as human beings are only really constricted by the barriers that we create ourselves and the stories we tell ourselves. The truth is, we all have .” 

On choosing your own energy…

“Choosing to live your life with positive energy shifts your focus and attention, which is really important, as the energy with which you choose to live your life will determine your decision-making process. In turn, your energy dictates and directs your focus and the series of micro-choices you make each day.” 

On taking control of your own future…

“We are constantly imprinting our subconscious by seeking evidence that backs up our current belief systems, so we close off our attention to other opportunities. Realise that you have a choice and take control of the story you tell yourself. Make decisions from where you want to be.” 

Feeling inspired to embrace your inner entrepreneur? From staying true to your vision to reframing uncertainty, our latest Academy collection delves into The Entrepreneurial Mindset, and explains how you can build yours. Explore the courses today and start realigning your perspective for success in 2021 and beyond.


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